# Konzert Weitere # Konzert Klassik

Festival Orgues, Musiques et Cimes

Eglise de Vernayaz, Rue de la Ville,2, 1925 Finhaut
World Music Workshop
Audition for the World Music workshop and young musicians aged 10 to 14. A dynamic and friendly workshop led by Adeline Melo.

Open to tourists and music lovers at Espace Mont-Blanc, these concerts reveal the culmination of the work of workshop participants, and mark the end of the academy in a festive atmosphere. Admission is free, and a hat like ♥ "Parce que j'ai aimé" contributes to the organization of the festival's musical activities.

Be smart. Take the train on the Martigny-Châtelard line. Stop at Vernayaz.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Michèle Vongerichten