# Ausstellungen # Museum # Führung

Eglise Déc'Ouverte

Eglise Déc'Ouverte - Paroisse de Savièse, Rue de St-Germain 46, 1965 Savièse
Welcome at St-Germain Church in Savièse
A local cultural and spiritual offering for this summer.

During the tourist season on the Torrent-Neuf bisse, the parish of Savièse invites visitors to discover its 15th-century church, entirely decorated by the famous artist Ernest Biéler (1863 - 1948), a haven of peace and beauty.

After modernizing the lighting to highlight this jewel of modern religious art, the parish has now equipped its inner forecourt with audio-visual aids to enable visitors to discover the church in an entertaining way.

During July and August, parish volunteers will be on hand to welcome visitors on Saturdays and Sundays from 3pm to 6pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
