# Exhibitions

Watch the glacier disappear

Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aargauerplatz, 5000 Aarau
Adults: CHF 17.00
Persons in education / IV / cultural allowance: CHF 12.00
Group rate (from 10 pers.): CHF 10.00
Children and young people up to 16 years: free of charge
The presentation is part of the Switzerland-wide exhibition project "Schau, wie der Gletscher schwindet.
Mountains and glaciers characterize the Swiss landscape and the country's culture. It is therefore not surprising that this motif is of great importance in art.

The focus of the collection explores this thematic focus: from Caspar Wolf's mountain paintings and Ingeborg Lüscher's mountain sunsets to Julian Charrière's iceberg and glacier photographs. Today, the mountain is perceived both as a tourist destination and as a symbol of climate change.

The presentation is part of the Switzerland-wide exhibition project Schau, wie der Gletscher schwindet.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Aargauer Kunsthaus


5001 Aarau
