# Culinary art # This and that

Römisches Brot backen

Augusta Raurica, Giebenacherstrasse 17, 4302 Augst BL
CHF 16.00 / CHF 8.00 (incl. museum admission)
How was grain turned into bread 2000 years ago? From 6 years accompanied by an adult.
Step by step, children and their families experience and create bread production together as in Roman times: first the grain is ground on the Roman stone mill. Then the kneading and shaping of the dough calls for personal creativity. The bread is then baked in the oven and finally taken home still warm and fragrant.

For everyone aged 6 and over. There are mills and an oven in the bread bakery. To ensure that nobody gets hurt, it is essential that children are accompanied and supervised by an adult while baking bread.

The event takes place in unheated premises. Warm clothing is recommended in cool weather.

Meeting point: Bronze model on the theater forecourt

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Augusta Raurica

Giebenacherstrasse 17

CH-4302 Augst
