# This and that

Vintage tractors Blenio - Meetings

6719 Aquila
The TTEB was founded in 2019 by Luca and Giona Scheggia, Mauro Bronner and Noè Bozzini, four young people with a passion for vintage tractors.

Today the society has around 30 members and supporters and is also involved in organising rallies of vintage vehicles in the Blenio valley.

For 2024, we propose the following outings:

- 01.05.2024 Esposizione zootecnica bleniese, Pian Castro
- 04.05.2024 Caseifici aperti, Aquila
- 15.06.2024 Raduno in Campra
- 13.07.2024 Uscita Carassina
- 28.07.2024 Uscita Cronometro del Nara
- 04.08.2024 Raduno Alpe Pian Segno
- 15.08.2024 Ferragosto in Capanna Gorda
- 14.09.2024 Raduno Saurer
- 28.09.2024 Raduno Prosito Agridame

Opening hours
