# Sports

Hiking with Saint Bernard dogs

Col du Grand Saint-Bernard, 1946 Bourg-St-Pierre
Discover the Grand-St-Bernard Pass region in the company of the mythical Saint-Bernard dogs and their guardian.

During July and August, we offer sporting hikes around the Hospice in the heart of an exceptional panorama at 2400 m altitude.

The hikes take place in all weathers, except in extreme conditions. The hike takes around 1h30-2h. The number of participants is limited to ten, divided into a maximum of three groups (one dog per group).
Children under 8 are not admitted.

Adults (aged 17 and over) CHF 49
Children (aged 8 to 16) CHF 24.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The price includes admission to the Hospice du Grand-St-Bernard Museum and the kennels.

This hike takes place in the high mountains and requires good physical condition. Some sections of the trail are steep. For your safety, you must wear mountain boots and clothing suitable for hiking.

Information:+41 (0)58 317 77 00
Registration: https://www.fondation-barry.ch/fr/experiences/randonnees/en-ete-1654/

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Fondation Barry du Grand-St-Bernard

Rue du Levant 34

1920 Martigny