# This and that

Samedi bien-être

1983 Evolène
Take time for yourself, evolve, exchange and grow without limits during our free Wellness Saturdays.
Saturday June 29 :
Silent meditation walk
Join us for a silent meditation walk from Lanna to Lac d'Arbey. Let nature guide you into a state of inner peace. A unique experience to reconnect with yourself and nature.

Saturday July 27 :
Outdoor Rebirthing initiation
Come and discover the power of Rebirth outdoors at Lannaz. This initiation will enable you to free yourself from emotional blockages and reconnect with your vital breath. An exceptional opportunity for personal transformation in a natural setting.

Saturday August 24 :
Initiation to liberating dance
Free your body and mind with an initiation to liberating dance outdoors at Lannaz. Let the music guide you and express your emotions through movement. An opportunity to celebrate freedom and the joy of being yourself.

Saturday September 21:
I see you, I hear you" mixed circle
Take part in a mixed circle of sharing and listening, "Je te vois, je t'entends". A day dedicated to authentic connection, where everyone can express their feelings and feel fully heard. An enriching and humanizing experience.

Saturday, October 19 :
Exploring emotions
Dive into the exploration of your emotions in this special workshop. Learn to identify, understand and express your emotions for greater inner harmony. An introspective journey to enrich your well-being and personal growth.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Heloïse Georges