# Concerts others # Classical concert

Stradivari concert

Röm.-kath. Pfarrkirche St. Marzellus, Dorfstrasse, 6442 Gersau
Admission free, collection
"Death and the Maiden" at the end of the StradivariFEST Gersau.
10 years of StradivariFEST Gersau! The anniversary is reason enough to celebrate an extraordinary festival this year. It will therefore be honored with chamber music "pearls" by Franz Schubert. Legendary works such as the string quartet "Death and the Maiden" will delight the loyal Gersau audience at this magical location on Lake Lucerne!

Close to the audience:
Together with the Stradivari musicians, the audience can immerse themselves in the world of Schubert and be enchanted by their music. After the concerts, the artists deliberately seek a personal exchange with the audience. Conversations at the subsequent aperitifs offer the perfect opportunity for this. The aperitifs are generously sponsored by the Restaurant Traube, the Seerestaurant Pauli and the Berggasthaus Rigi Scheidegg.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.



Holbeinstrasse 34

8008 Zürich