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Open family workshop Arboreal Futures

EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion A, Place Cosandey, 1015 Lausanne
Open family workshop and guided tour through the Arboreal Futures exhibition
Trees can live for more than 1,000 years and are already affected by climate change. Imagine you were a tree. What kind of tree would you be, where would you grow and what would surround you? What do you think about as a tree? What are your needs and wishes? Is something bothering you? And what do you think should change? Which issue is so important to you as a tree that you want to stand up for it and even go to a demonstration?
During the guided tour through the exhibition Arboreal Futures, we’ll learn about playful ways to assist trees in dealing with climate change. In an open atelier after the tour, we will create colorful demo signs for trees.

Guided tour and open workshop, creation of panels as a protest action for the forest
French language
From 8 years
Children must be accompanied by an adult
Free admission
Upon registration

Arboreal Futures
EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion A

From Tuesday to Sunday
11 am – 6 pm
Free Entry



Bettina Rohr

Viaduktstr. 95

8005 Zürich
