# Exhibitions


Kunsthaus Baselland, Helsinki-Strasse 5, 4142 Münchenstein
Adults: CHF 12.00
Reduced: CHF 9.00
Children up to 18 years: Free admission
Kunsthaus Baselland, designed by Buchner Bründler Architekten, opens in Münchenstein. The exhibition symbolizes a creative upswing in the new era.
Rewilding marks the opening of the new Kunsthaus Baselland on the Dreispitz at its new location. Around 30 national and international artists from different generations and a wide variety of countries have been invited. Their works, many of which are new productions, relate decidedly to current ecological, feminist or socio-cultural issues.

"Rewilding" in the context of the opening exhibition therefore means to provide a renewed home for the dynamic creative forces that the Kunsthaus has repeatedly hosted since its inception and which it now wishes to continue in its new location; to revisit a dynamic in a place that once stood for the handling of goods and is now integrated as a building in a huge urban structural change; to show creative new ways in which we as a society - despite times of crisis - can move towards a positive future that should be characterized by respect, friendship and - if necessary - forgiveness in our dealings with each other and with all living beings and species around us. "Rewilding" therefore also stands for a positive, collective new beginning.

Curator: Ines Goldbach

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Kunsthaus Baselland

Helsinki-Strasse 5

4141 Münchenstein/Basel