# Sports

Insubria Rowing Cup

Via alla Foce, 6933 Muzzano
On Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2024 the second edition of the ‘Insubria Rowing Cup’ will take place. The aim is to unite the rowing world of the Insubrian lake region, from Lake Mezzola to Lake Orta, comprising around twenty lakes on ten of which (Mezzola, Lario, Pusiano, Ceresio, Verbano, Monate, Comabbio, Varese, Mergozzo and Orta) rowing is practised by around fifty clubs. A region that speaks the same language and has the same character given by a common origin, that of a population that settled there in ancient times, the Insubri.

This event is intended to ideally represent and unite this reality through a sport that is widely practised and that as a whole between Lombardy, Ticino and Piedmont represents a world-class force in this area. All this in an area, the western branch of the Ceresio, the gulf of Ponte Tresa and the gulf of Agno, which lies exactly in the geographical centre of the Insubric region.

On Saturday afternoon, 26 October, a Match Race will take place in Italian waters at Lavena, between Ponte Tresa Italia and the strait of the same name, on 500 m for long boats (quadruple four and coxed eight) for all U15/U17/U19/Elite and Master categories: a very spectacular regatta where pairs of crews from the same category/speciality drawn by lot will compete in a knockout race to the final.

On Sunday 27 October, instead, a classic regatta will take place on the Olympic-sized (2,000 m) race course that the Caslano and Malcantone Rowing School (SCCM) has created in the Gulf of Agno, between Carabietta and Muzzano. The centre of the event will be the Camping site of the Touring Club Svizzero (TCS) in Muzzano from which there is direct access to the Olympic race course and, through 5 km of water, to the Lavena race course.

The Ticino 2024 Championships will also take place during Sunday's regatta. An important opportunity for the Ticino rowers to compete as such but in a context of high technical and competitive depth given the presence of crews from Lombardy and Piedmont.

The races will be able to be followed directly from the TCS Camping in Agno, equipped with all the necessary services, with a giant screen that will allow the races to be followed in real time thanks to drone filming.

The event is sponsored by the Regio Insubrica Working Community, which requested the collaboration of three companies, one from Ticino, one from Lombardy and one from Piedmont.

This year, the organisers (SCCM for Ticino, Società Canottieri Luino for Lombardy and Società Canottieri Lago d'Orta for Piedmont) are expecting an even larger number of clubs for an event that aims to be a celebration of sport and supranational community.


- CHF 10.– per participating athlete

Opening hours

Monday-Friday , Saturday 14:00 – 18:00, Sunday 08:00 – 17:00

More dates

  • 26.10.2024
  • 27.10.2024
