# Classical concert

Bachwochen Thun: Bach bis Bartók

Kirche Hilterfingen, Schoren 40, 3653 Oberhofen am Thunersee
1st category: CHF 60.00
2nd category: CHF 40.00
Up to 25 years: CHF 25.00
Up to 16 years: CHF 5.00
The Swiss violinist Esther Hoppe and Vital Julian Frey on the harpsichord combine Bach's sonatas for violin and harpsichord with works by Bartók, Prokofiev and Tartini.
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was already proud of his father's sonatas for violin and obbligato harpsichord: "They still sound very good and give me great pleasure, even though they are over 50 years old." While this compliment was a distinction at the time, as Bach's father was considered at least slightly outdated by his sons' generation, today it simply confirms our feeling that Johann Sebastian Bach created some very special masterpieces here.

The Swiss violinist Esther Hoppe and Vital Julian Frey on the harpsichord present two of these sonatas in combination with solo works by Sergei Prokofiev and Béla Bartók as well as the "Devil's Trill Sonata" by Bach's Italian contemporary Giuseppe Tartini. Tartini composed the work after a dream in which a devil playing the violin had appeared to him and then self-critically concluded: "It may be the best thing I have ever composed, but it falls far short of what had enchanted me so much in my dream."

"Esther Hoppe listens to Bach's music with a relaxed and relaxed attitude; she allows it to emerge from within herself, as it were." Peter Hagmann

Esther Hoppe violin
Vital Julian Frey harpsichord

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Sonata for violin and obbligato harpsichord in B minor, BWV 1014
Sergei Prokofiev (1892-1953)
Sonata for violin solo, op. 115
Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770)
"Devil's Trill Sonata" in G minor for violin and basso continuo
Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
from "Mikrokosmos" for harpsichord solo, Sz 107 / BB 105
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sonata for violin and obbligato harpsichord in E major, BWV 1016

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Opening hours

Door opening: 19.00 hrs


Bachwochen Thun


3600 Thun