# Concerts others

Weihnachtskonzert von Shama In der Chapel of Ascension

Office du tourisme de La Tzoumaz, Rue de la Télécabine 18, 1918 La Tzoumaz
Christmas concert by Shama
At the Chapelle de l'Ascension
Don't be mistaken, we know how to spell the word "shaman." There's no need to imagine feathered individuals dancing around a fire. You'd be far from the truth.

The word "Shama" might sound exotic because, in India, it refers to a small bird with a melodious song. In Valais, Shama is a vocal group of about forty members, founded in 2000 by a passionate conductor and a dozen choral singing enthusiasts.

Since then, the group has evolved and grown, attracting other singing enthusiasts in the Martigny region. Shama's repertoire ranges from sacred to contemporary works, including Gregorian chants. Under their conductor's guidance, they strive to offer more than just a simple interpretation of scores, but a true musical experience.

If the cicada from the fable had been a Shama singer, the ant would have said: "What were you doing these past months? Rehearsing? Well, sing now!"


Office de tourisme de La Tzoumaz

Route de la Télécabine 18

1918 La Tzoumaz