La Gruyère Tourisme, Place des Alpes 26, 1630 Bulle
"Désalpe" is the best-known of all traditional mountain festivities.
After more than four months of grazing in alpine pastures, cows make their way down to the plain. Charmey's crowning event of the year, has acquired international renown. Those who love traditions and authenticity find that this celebration, every fourth Saturday in September, is a must. In a joyful clanging of bells, in the profusion of colours of their flowered headdresses, the herd returns to the plain. This "Rindyà" (descent from the mountain pastures in patois) is the reflection of mountain traditions and guarantees their continuance. The sale of cheeses made in the mountains, much appreciated by connoisseurs, runs parallel with the stands of almost 40 craftsmen and women. As for the musical side of the day, the Alpine horn, flag throwers, country orchestras and brass bands give the Désalpe the lustre it deserves.
Market with local produce and craftsmen's from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Farm animals
Exhibition of old agricultural machines
Folk music
Food and drink:
Several food and drink stands offer regional specialties spread across five areas.
Market with local produce and craftsmen's from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Farm animals
Exhibition of old agricultural machines
Folk music
Food and drink:
Several food and drink stands offer regional specialties spread across five areas.
La Gruyère Tourisme
1630 Bulle