# Concerts others

Openair Barlaina

Barlaina Restaurant-Bar, Via Veglia 95, 7536 Sta. Maria Val Müstair
Free admission.
Openair Barlaina 26.7 - 27.7.24 from 16.00 hrs. Bands: Has im Gras, Tremendous T. and Just two. Barbecue with salad buffet, capuns, chili con/sin carne and drinks will be served. Admission:free
On July 26, 2024 and July 27, 2024 our Openair will take place in Sta. Maria.
The bands Has im Gras, Tremendous T. and Just two will make the openair an unforgettable event.
In addition to the musical entertainment, there will be a barbecue with salad buffet, capuns and chili con/sin carne.


Janine Hofer

7536 Sta. Maria
