# Concert Pop / Rock / Jazz # Concerts others

Summer Sounds Lakeside Weggis - Dreadful in Concert

Pavillon am See, Seestrasse, 6353 Weggis
Admission free
The Swiss Kick Ass Rock’n’Roll Band Dreadful are releasing their fourth record „Soulmates“, celebrating the 15th anniversary of the band, and expanding their blues and booze influenced style.
There are some clichés about the Swiss: they are stubborn, solitary and somehow a bit backward. This also applies to Dreadful: unimpressed by any trends, the quintet sticks to its style and remains authentic and down to earth. The roughness and remoteness of the Swiss mo untains undoubtedly have an influence on their music. They wouldn’t deny a certain musical backwardness either: „The album breathes the spirit of old rock’n’roll heroes and the songs are soaked in the sweat and soul of the American South“. Their heroes are still called AC/DC, Chuck Berry, The Stones or ZZ Top, and that’s alright.

The music of Dreadful is the sheer opposite of the hypocritical online world and sticks to what the Stones preached 50 years ago: „What can a poor boy do except to sing for a rock’n’roll band?“. Raw and always hard grooving, they celebrate their „Boozy Gre at Life“, putting away Sunday’s Hangover in spite of some doubts and missed chances and looking back with satisfaction and pride to that damn good ride of the past ten years.


Luzern Tourismus AG

Tourist Information Weggis

Seestrasse 5

6353 Weggis