Alex Roth
# DM
About me
(Sorry, at the moment there is no English version of this text.)
#Sinn und Engagement
Politik muss einen Sinn ergeben, dafür setze ich mich ein. Ich verstehe mich gut darin, über den Tellerrand zu schauen und mich einzubringen um gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden welche für uns tragbar sind und eine Zukunft haben. Daher kandidiere ich für das Stadtparlament St. Gallen.
Themen die mir besonders wichtig sind:
- Wirtschaft
- Digitalisierung
- Energieversorgung
- Arbeitsmarkt
- Bildung & Forschung
- Finanzen
- Soziales
- Familien
- Verkehr
Political party
Political status
In office. Vorstandsmitglied der Regionalpartei Die Mitte St.Gallen-Gossau
Three personal qualities that characterise me
open to inspiration
8 questions for Alex Roth
What is your favourite place in the municipality?
Unfortunately, the question has not yet been answered in your language.
What are your three political priorities?
What do you think of the current municipality leadership?
not satisfied at all
very satisfied
Which person in the municipality has inspired or impressed you the most?
What has been a defining or emotional moment that you experienced in the municipality?
Which location requires urgent improvement or regeneration?
Unfortunately, the question has not yet been answered in your language.
Where do you see your municipality in 2030?
Your QR code with a surprise for readers
Alex Roth, Biserhofstrasse 17, 9011 St. Gallen
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Status: 10.08.2024