Institut Médical de Champel
Gynécologie / Médecine de Famille et Générale / Orthopédie / Cardiologie / IRM ouverte / CT / Allergologie / Pneumologie / Pychiatrie / Urologie/ Hémmoroides/ Scanner
1206 Genève
Lu-Ve: 07:00-19:00
Heures d'ouvertures spéciales
Our Insitut give you apointments very fast. During the week end, some specialists works, but you have to call for appointment to check availibility on 0223463363
Ouvert jusqu'à 19:00
Lu-Ve: 07:00-19:00
Heures d'ouvertures spéciales
Our Insitut give you apointments very fast. During the week end, some specialists works, but you have to call for appointment to check availibility on 0223463363
Ouvert jusqu'à 19:00