# Concerto di musica classica

Bachwochen Thun: Bach und Abel

Evang.-ref. Kirche Amsoldingen, Chorherrengasse 4, 3633 Amsoldingen
1st category: CHF 60.00
2nd category: CHF 40.00
3rd category: CHF 25.00
Up to 25 years: CHF 25.00
Up to 16 years: CHF 5.00
With the viola da gamba, a long-forgotten instrument takes center stage - the concert with gambist Lucile Boulanger promises poignant moments.
Carl Friedrich Abel's father worked as a gambist in the Köthen court orchestra under Bach and the son himself may have been Bach's pupil in Leipzig, but was at least later supported by him with letters of recommendation. In any case, Abel was an outstanding musician and composer of the early classical period, taking over the instrument from his father and is therefore regarded today as the "last" soloist on the viola da gamba. Fortunately, this intimate, sensitive and soulful instrument - Abel is said to have regularly moved his audiences to tears - is being cultivated again today. The French viola da gamba player and multiple prizewinner Lucile Boulanger will now be gracing the audience with works by Abel and Bach and her performance in the church in Amsoldingen should also provide some moving moments.

Lucile Boulanger, viola da gamba

Viola da gamba music from the "Manuscript Drexel 5871" by Carl Friedrich Abel (1723-1787) and works by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) in an arrangement for viola da gamba by Lucile Boulanger.

More details on the works performed can be found in the evening program.

Extra trip to Thun after the concert.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Orari di apertura

Pre-concert viol consort at 5.30 pm
Door opening: 18.15 hrs


Bachwochen Thun


3600 Thun