# Questo e quello


Espace Johannis, Rue de Plane-Ville 24, 1955 Chamoson
This is the story of Priscilla, who, ever since she was a little girl, has felt an IMMENSE need for recognition. By the time she's a teenager, it's decided: she's going to be a singer! That way, people will look at her, consider her and love her. That's the theory. The reality is quite different: dubious advice from toxic managers, comments from an often tipsy public and screwed-up recommendations from her singing teacher, all is not as rosy as expected.

FORMATS is the true story of Priscilla, now FORMA, who discovers the magical world (or not) of music. It's an adventure that's funny (always), crazy (often), touching (sometimes) and not so far removed from our own lives, where we realize that freeing ourselves from the gaze of others and doing our best to be who we are isn't all that bad.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Frédéric Favre