# Questo e quello

Walking meeting

02.11.2024 14:00 - 16:00
8261 Hemishofen
Get out into the fresh air and do something good for body and soul.
Twice as nice if you can combine this with nice encounters. This is exactly what the walking meeting is for. Meet whoever you like and when it suits you.

Where on the path?
Different routes of around 4 km in length. Depending on those present and the weather, we decide spontaneously where to go. There are also possibilities for shortcuts and/or extensions.

Meeting point?
Oberwaldstrasse underpass (near the old customs house)

The walk takes place in almost all weathers.

We look forward to sociable discovery tours in and around Hemishofen.

Hemishofen School Association

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Altre date

  • 05.10.2024 14:00 - 16:00
  • 02.11.2024 14:00 - 16:00
  • 07.12.2024 14:00 - 16:00