# Esposizioni

Wild flame - tamed fire

Musée paysan et artisanal, Rue des Crêtets 148, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Prices per person :
* Adults : CHF ¤8.00
* Seniors : CHF ¤6.00
* Students : CHF ¤3.00
* Children (up to 16 years old) : Free
Fire is an essential element of our life and development as human beings. Wild when it destroys a village or a forest, tamed when it cooks our food, lights us and warms us in the middle of winter. It is both a punisher and a purifier, its symbolism is extremely strong in speaking of hatred and especially of love.
This exhibition will present many objects related to firefighting, the reassuring home, fire crafts and will go back to the origins of this precious conquest.


Musée paysan et artisanal

Crêtets 148

2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds