# Tradizione, folclore & celebrazioni # Mercato & fiera # Questo e quello

29. Ziegenschau des Schwarzhalsziegenzuchtvereins Lötschental

Zälg Wiler, 3918 Wiler (Lötschen)
29th goat show of the Lötschental black-neck goat breeding association
The Lötschental Blackneck Goat Breeders' Association cordially invites you to the 29th Goat Show in the Lötschental. This event celebrates not only the impressive black-necked goats, but also the passion and commitment of the breeders who work to preserve and promote this unique Valais breed.
The breeders meet in Wiler on the Zälg to present the best animals. From 14:00 hrs. goat pointing and canteen.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.