Patrik Etschmayer
About me
I am a family man, a small businessman and a cyclist, both on and off the road. My involvement in the GLP as a party member is based on the fact that there is little ideological ballast in this party that prevents accepting facts as such. Thus, nature conservation and entrepreneurship are not a contradiction, but in the end things that should be regulated in a society that wants to have a future, in reasonable - and this means based on the best possible scientifically established reality - laws. The fact that there are also different views within the party is clear and desirable: only through discourse can one also learn.
My commitments
Member of the Parents' Council St. Georgen, support of the election campaign team GLP.
Political party
Small entrepreneur
Three personal qualities that characterise me
8 questions for Patrik Etschmayer
What is your favourite place in the municipality?
What are your three political priorities?
Reasonable housing policy for affordable housing. Private and cooperative housing should coexist.
The greening of the city in the sense of the project Green Gallus Valley. Some wishes can certainly not be realized, others are overdue.
A transport policy that considers not only road users as stakeholders, but also the residents of the polluted roads.